Panel | ||||||
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Configurable credentials expirationConfigure the expiration time of granted temporary security credentials to further increase control over your security footprint - an administrator can configure the maximum number of seconds temporary credentials based on a connector are valid, any client can either use this maximum or further reduce it even. |
This release addresses the following issues:
- Stories
- IFAWS-121 - As an administrator, I want to configure credentials expiration so that I can further control the security footprint
Release 1.2.1
Highlights of this release:
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Support for the AWS GovCloud (US) Region (experimental) |
The AWS GovCloud (US) Region is an API compatible, but otherwise isolated AWS Region designed to allow US government agencies and customers to move sensitive workloads into the cloud by addressing their specific regulatory and compliance requirements).
This release
addresses the following issues:
- Improvements
- IFAWS-199 - Enable 'AWS GovCloud (US)' support as a labs feature
- Bugs
- IFAWS-216 - Fix exception on Add-on initialization when using a
- MySQL backend
- IFAWS-213 - Fix exception on connector save when using a
- PostgreSQL backend
- IFAWS-191 - Fix unpleasant visuals of 'Maximum Duration' widget/help