You likely need to provision a few dedicated AWS resources to get started with automation. To ease this, there are two AWS CloudFormation templates to choose from.

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The following resources are required or recommended in order to use Automation with AWS:

  1. An IAM role
  2. A managed IAM policy
  3. At least one SNS topic
  4. At least one Lambda function

The CloudFormation templates below can provision these resources for you.

CloudFormation Templates

There are two CloudFormation templates to choose from for provisioning required AWS resources:

Automation with AWS (Core)

This template provisions the following Automation with AWS core resources:

  • (plus) These resources are semantically required and we recommend to provision a dedicated IAM role indeed.


CoreRoleArnAWS::IAM::RoleARN of Automation with AWS (Core) IAM role
CorePolicyArnAWS::IAM::ManagedPolicyARN of Automation with AWS (Core) managed IAM policy

Automation with AWS (Quickstart)

This template provisions the following Automation with AWS quickstart resources:

  • (lightbulb) These resources aim to get you started quickly by covering the basic action scenarios, and some logging/debugging aids.
KeyRelated TypeDescription
CoreRoleArnAWS::IAM::RoleARN of Automation with AWS (Core) IAM role
CorePolicyArnAWS::IAM::ManagedPolicyARN of Automation with AWS (Core) managed IAM policy
AWS::Lambda::FunctionLink to Automation with AWS Lambda log function
AWS::SQS::QueueLink to Automation with AWS SQS log queue
AWS::Lambda::FunctionARN of Automation with AWS (Core) quickstart Lambda function
AWS::Lambda::FunctionLink to Automation with AWS (Core) quickstart Lambda function
AWS::SNS::TopicARN of Automation with AWS (Core) quickstart SNS topic
AWS::SNS::TopicLink to Automation with AWS (Core) quickstart SNS topic
QuickstartStepFunctionsStateMachineArnAWS::StepFunctions::FunctionARN of Automation with AWS (Core) quickstart Step Functions state machine
QuickstartStepFunctionsStateMachineLinkAWS::StepFunctions::FunctionLink to Automation with AWS (Core) quickstart Step Functions state machine

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