  "buildAgentId": "<the id of the latest agent that built the result>",
  "buildCancelledDate": "<when the build was cancelled>",
  "buildCompletedDate": "<when the build finished>",
  "buildDate": "<>",
  "buildNumber": "<>",
  "buildTime": "<>",
  "changesListSummary": "<>",
  "duration": "<the duration of the build in milliseconds>",
  "durationDescription": "<the duration in a 'pretty' format>",
  "formatVersion": "<>",
  "id": "<>",
  "logSize": "<the size of the log file associated with this result>",
  "processingDuration": "<>",
  "processingDurationDescription": "<>",
  "queueTime": "<>",
  "reasonSummary": "<>",
  "relativeBuildDate": "<>",
  "relativeBuildStartedDate": "<the relative started time (duration) compared to current date>",
  "relativeQueueDate": "<>",
  "restartCount": "<>",
  "shortReasonSummary": "<>",
  "testSummary": "<>",
  "timeToFix": "<the stored version of how long (milli seconds) it took for this build to fix a failure>"