29 April 2015

The Utoolity team is pleased to present Identity Federation for AWS 2.2 – this release adds an AWS Credentials Variables task to Bamboo for providing managed temporary AWS security credentials to other tools by injecting them via variables into AWS unaware tasks like the Bamboo Script task, and adds compatibility with JIRA Data Center.

If you are using Bamboo remote agents, please review the Identity Federation for AWS 2.2 Upgrade Notes for important information about this release.

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AWS Credentials Variables task for Bamboo

Use the AWS Credentials Variables task in Bamboo to provide managed temporary AWS security credentials for other tools by injecting them into AWS unaware tasks like the Bamboo Script task.

Compatibility with JIRA Data Center

Identity Federation for AWS is now tested for compatibility with the clustering and high-availability capabilities of JIRA Data Center.


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Stories

    • IFAWS-318 (UAA-28) - As a user, I want a task to create Bamboo variables from AWS credentials so that I can reuse them in scripts

  • Tasks

    • IFAWS-235 - Verify/Add compatibility with JIRA Data Center

Release 2.2.5

This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • IFAWS-446 - Adjust connector login menu/page sort order

    • IFAWS-422 (UAA-89) - Add scalable group selection widget

  • Bugs

    • IFAWS-444 (UAA-90) - Fix group selections getting lost on connector edit

    • IFAWS-432 - Fix group selection in JIRA handling up to 1000 groups only

Release 2.2.4

This release addresses the following issues:

  • Bugs

    • IFAWS-421 (UAA-88) - Fix/Adjust group selection widget to obey alphabetical order

Release 2.2.3

This release addresses the following issues:

  • Bugs

    • IFAWS-408 (UAA-82) - Fix connector variable being unusable in Bamboo deployment plans

Release 2.2.2

This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • IFAWS-397 (UAA-78) - Support Bamboo variables for AWS connector selection

  • Bugs

    • IFAWS-402 - Fix ServiceProxyDestroyed exception on add-on disable/enable cycle

Release 2.2.1

This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • IFAWS-387 - Expand credentials variables inline dialog help

    • IFAWS-388 - Add copy ready snippets for credentials variables creation

  • Bugs

    • IFAWS-386 - Fix missing description and CSS issues for credentials source