Tasks for AWS 2.14 Release Notes

11 May 2017

The Utoolity team is pleased to present Tasks for AWS 2.14 – this release adds support for providing task configuration as code via URLs, adds support for sharing S3 objects via pre-signed URLs in Amazon S3, adds support for Custom Platforms in AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and adds support for the Python 3.6 runtime in AWS Lambda.

You can now inject task configuration for JSON and YAML parameters via URLs to provide configuration as code, generate a pre-signed S3 URL to temporarily share private S3 objects with subsequent build steps, use your own custom Elastic Beanstalk platform created with HashiCorp's Packer, and create an AWS Lambda Function with the Python 3.6 runtime.

If you are using Bamboo remote agents, please review the Tasks for AWS 2.14 Upgrade Notes for important information about this release.


Provide task configuration as code

Just in time with Atlassian's introduction of Bamboo Specs in Bamboo 6.0, we are contributing our own improvement to configuration as code by offering to Inject task configuration via URLs:

As of Tasks for AWS 2.14, you can provide JSON or YAML based task parameters as code by referencing configuration files via URLs. You can reference a configuration file from the build working directory via the file:// protocol, or from a publicly accessible web location via the http:// and https:// protocols (this also allows to reference a configuration file from a private S3 bucket via a pre-signed URL).

Configuration as code

One of the most important aspects of applied DevOps within a CI/CD software delivery pipeline is to maintain infrastructure and configuration as code. You can mix and match the available options to provide task configuration as code to successively migrate your current build configurations to a fully managed and versionized build setup.


Generate pre-signed URLs for S3 objects

You can now use the Amazon S3 Object task to generate a pre-signed URL to temporarily share private S3 objects with subsequent build steps.

  • (info) The action currently supports GET – if you have a use case for PUTHEAD or DELETE, please vote and comment on UAA-259 - As a user, I want an S3 Object task action to generate a pre-signed URL so that I can PUT private objects in subsequent tasks Open

Use S3 to provide configuration as code

The Generate Pre-signed URL action allows using S3 objects to provide configuration as code, refer to Injecting task configuration via URLs for details.


Use custom platforms in Elastic Beanstalk environments

You can now use Custom Platforms as a third configuration source in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment task:

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is excited to announce the support for Custom Platforms. You can now create and manage your own custom Elastic Beanstalk platforms as per your application and configuration requirements. Earlier, you could only use the pre-configured platforms provided by AWS Elastic Beanstalk. With pre-configured platforms, to customize your environment configuration you have to add .ebextensions to your application sources bundle or use the limited configuration options available on the Management Console or EB CLI. With Custom Platform, as an author you get greater control over the AMI, metadata, and configuration options. This feature allows you to enforce and manage standardization and your best practices across your Elastic Beanstalk environments. For example, you can now create your own platforms on Ubuntu or Red Hat Enterprise and customize your instances with languages/frameworks currently not supported by Elastic Beanstalk e.g. Rust, Sinatra etc. 

(info) Custom platforms are region specific and need to be deliberately created, refer to Custom Platforms for details.


Use the Python 3.6 runtime in AWS Lambda functions

You can now use the Python 3.6 runtime in the AWS Lambda Function task, see the resp. announcement:

Resolved issues

Release 2.14.7


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1359 – Surface support for additional ECS region ap-northeast-2

    • TAWS-1364 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-10-30)

    • TAWS-1379 – Add support for adding/dropping of Linux capabilities in ECS containers

    • TAWS-1384 – Add support for Docker device and init flags in ECS containers

    • TAWS-1429 – Surface support for additional Step Functions region eu-west-2

Release 2.14.6


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1361 – Integrate updated app logos/banners

    • TAWS-1364 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-10-19)

    • TAWS-1430 – Surface support for additional ECS region cn-north-1

  • Bugs

    • TAWS-1353 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-08-14)

    • TAWS-1356 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-08-30)

    • TAWS-1357 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-09-25)

    • TAWS-1363 (UAA-296) – Fix NoSuchMethodError exception when uploading artifacts to S3 in Bamboo 6.3

Release 2.14.5


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1297 – Surface support for additional Lambda region sa-east-1

    • TAWS-1298 – Surface support for additional Step Functions region ap-southeast-2

    • TAWS-1326 – Surface support for additional Lambda region ca-central-1

    • TAWS-1327 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-06-26)

    • TAWS-1328 – Add support for CPU and memory overrides to ECS Run Task and Start Task actions

    • TAWS-1334 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-07-20)

    • TAWS-1340 (UAA-289) – Surface support for additional CodeDeploy region us-gov-west-1

  • Bugs

    • TAWS-1329 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-06-29)

    • TAWS-1333 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-07-15)

Release 2.14.4


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1314 (UAA-279) – Add inline dialog example for Elastic Beanstalk environment variable option setting

  • Bugs

    • TAWS-1313 (UAA-277) – Fix AWSElasticBeanstalkException: Cannot change environment tier (using a solution stack)

Release 2.14.3


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1300 – Log configuration source and tier on create/update of Elastic Beanstalk environment

  • Bugs

    • TAWS-1299 – Fix UnsupportedOperationException on save of Elastic Beanstalk environment worker tier

    • TAWS-1301 (UAA-275) – Fix AWSElasticBeanstalkException: Cannot change environment tier

Release 2.14.2


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1284 – Adjust description for Elastic Beanstalk solution stack name

  • Bugs

    • TAWS-1282 – Fix 'Provide session token variable' field name

    • TAWS-1283 (UAA-273) – Fix UnsupportedOperationException on OpsWorks App task configuration

Release 2.14.1


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1261 – Improve ECS Service task deployment configuration validation

    • TAWS-1262 (UAA-265) – Improve ECS logging to ease service deployment monitoring

    • TAWS-1263 (UAA-267) – Add session token support for inline AWS credentials

    • TAWS-1275 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-04-21)

    • TAWS-1276 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-05-02)

    • TAWS-1277 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-05-19)

  • Bugs

    • TAWS-1258 – Fix description inconsistencies for Elastic Beanstalk configuration source

Release 2.14.0


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Stories

    • TAWS-115 (UAA-30) – As a user, I want to reference parameters via URL so that I gain configuration as code

    • TAWS-414 (UAA-115) – As a user, I want an S3 Object task action to generate a pre-signed URL so that I can GET private objects in subsequent tasks

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1187 – Add support for custom Elastic Beanstalk platforms

    • TAWS-1213 – Add connector validation with region variables when no non standard AWS partitions are enabled

    • TAWS-1217 – Add support for Lambda Python 3.6 runtime

    • TAWS-1218 – Drop support for Lambda Node.js 0.10 runtime

    • TAWS-1242 – Align configuration source concepts/naming with Elastic Beanstalk documentation

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