Custom Variables
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Custom Variables

In addition to the the regular Bamboo Variable Substitution/Definition, some tasks also support the substitution of custom variables to ease composing unique names when operating multiple AWS resources at once, for example creating EBS snapshots from a set of EBS volumes, or EC2 images from a set of EC2 instances.

On this page:

Custom Variable Support

Custom variables are currently substituted in the following task configuration text fields:

EC2 Image taskCreate Image(s)

Image Name



EBS Snapshot taskCreate Snapshot(s)




Available Custom Variables

The following custom variables are currently supported:

NamespaceVariable NameAction Context(s)Example
AWS${utoolity.aws.instanceId}Create Image(s)i-1a2b3c4d
 ${utoolity.aws.volumeId}Create Snapshot(s)vol-1a2b3c4d
ISO 8601${utoolity.iso8601.basicDate}all referenced above20160412