What is the relation between Identity Federation for AWS 1.x and Identity Federation for AWS 2.x?

Identity Federation for AWS 2.x for Jira and Bamboo are the successors of the deprecated Identity Federation for AWS 1.x (which has been switched to maintenance mode, see my answer to Will Identity Federation for AWS 1.x remain available? for details) - Identity Federation for AWS has been designed as a cross-product add-on, however, the Atlassian Marketplace meanwhile prevents cross-product 'Paid-via-Atlassian' add-ons, which required us to refactor the product into separate editions per application.

Free Cross Upgrade

Of course, the cross upgrade to Identity Federation for AWS (Jira) and Identity Federation for AWS (Bamboo) is free for existing Identity Federation for AWS licensees - please get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this transition.


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