Failed to read text file

Failed to read text file


You encounter failures with "Unable to decrypt AWS Secret Key"  error messages, for example:

  • Failed to retrieve temporary AWS credentials: Failed to read text file

  • Failed to retrieve partition key: Failed to read text file


This error message has been refined in release 2.12.0 (see https://utoolity.atlassian.net/browse/UAA-396) – refer to the cause within KB article Unable to decrypt AWS Secret Key for details.


This error message has been refined in release 2.12.0 (see https://utoolity.atlassian.net/browse/UAA-396) – refer to the solution within KB article Unable to decrypt AWS Secret Key for details.


This error message has been refined in release 2.12.0 (see https://utoolity.atlassian.net/browse/UAA-396) – refer to the workaround within KB article Unable to decrypt AWS Secret Key for details.

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