How to disable the 'AWS Management Console Login' gadget in Identity Federation for AWS

How to disable the 'AWS Management Console Login' gadget in Identity Federation for AWS

You are using an AWS related Utoolity app but do not want to use the 'AWS Management Console Login Gadget' provided by the included Identity Federation for AWS.

Step-by-step guide

As an administrator, perform these steps in the product's administration section:

  1. go to "Manage apps"

  2. locate and expand the "Identity Federation for AWS" app entry in the app list

  3. locate and expand the "x of x modules enabled" menu link in the right column of the app details entry

  4. locate the 'AWS Management Console Login Gadget' (aws-management-console-login-gadget) module entry in the module list

  5. click the 'Disable' button appearing when hoovering over the module entry

  6. navigate to a gadget host (e.g. a Confluence page or Jira dashboard) to verify that the gadget cannot be inserted anymore


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