Developer's Guide
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Documentation for Identity Federation for AWS 1.0 – other releases are available in the Identity Federation for AWS Documentation Directory.

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Developer's Guide

Identity Federation for AWS is mainly a system integration and API add-on, which exposes resources via a REST API - all resources can be used like the regular JIRA REST API and are exposed via an URL keyed by the add-on namespace:


REST API Browser

The easiest way to explore the API is by means of the Atlassian REST API Browser, simply select the Identity Federation for AWS resources.

On this page:

REST API resources

ResourceURI templatemethodsdescriptionpermissionscomments
Accounts    (warning) You usually won't interact with accounts via the API currently, please see the Connectors resource instead!
 /accountsGET|POSTGet all accounts (IAM users).Administrator 
 /accounts/{id}GET|DELETE|PUTGet an account (IAM user) identified by its id.Administrator 
Connectors    (plus) This is the main resource to interact with currently in order to retrieve temporary AWS credentials.


GETGet all AWS connectors.Configurable(info) You only need GET for the intended usage as a token vendor, but POST will be added in a subsequent release regardless.
 /connectors/{id}GETGet an AWS connector identified by its id.Configurable(info) You only need GET for the intended usage as a token vendor, but DELETE|PUT will be added in a subsequent release regardless.
 /connectors/{id}/credentialsGETGet the temporary security credentials via an AWS connector identified by its id.Configurable(plus) This is the main resource to use for calling AWS Services in turn.