Principal Type | Explanation | Credential lifetime (min/max/default) | Learn more at AWS |
Assumed Role | Yields temporary AWS security credentials for |
an assumed role with the Atlassian user name and an optional External ID and an optional IAM |
Policy (if absent, AWS applies a default)
Info |
A few services aren't currently supported by Federated User - use Account (IAM User) for these instead: AWS CloudFormation |
| 15m/12hr/1hr 1) | |||||||||||||||
Federated User | Yields temporary AWS security credentials for a federated user with the Atlassian user name and an optional, yet typically required IAM Policy (check Omit IAM Policy when resource-based policies are used instead)
| IAM user: 15m/36hr/12hr Root account: 15m/1hr/1hr |
IAM User (session token) | Yields temporary AWS security credentials for the selected IAM user (recommended) or AWS account (disadvised) itself
IAM user: 15m/36hr/12hr Root account: 15m/1hr/1hr | |||
Notes | 1) The 12hr maximum is only available with an appropriately configured Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role. |