Principal Type | Explanation | CredentialĀ lifetime (min/max/default) | Learn more at AWS |
Assumed Role | Yields temporary AWS security credentials for an assumed role with the Atlassian user name and an optional External ID and an optional IAM Policy (if absent, AWS applies a default) In order to use the Assumed Role principal type, you need to Grant an IAM Group Permission to Create Temporary Credentials! This example policy grants permission to access theĀ AWS STS | 15m/12hr/1hr 1) | |
Federated User | Yields temporary AWS security credentials for a federated user with the Atlassian user name and an optional, yet typically required IAM Policy (check Omit IAM Policy when resource-based policies are used instead) In order to use the Federated User principal type, you need to Grant an IAM Group Permission to Create Temporary Credentials! This example policy grants permission to access theĀ AWS STS Federated UserĀ does not allow to access IAM or STS APIs, for example when creating IAM resources via CloudFormation - use Assume Role forĀ these scenarios instead. | IAM user: 15m/36hr/12hr Root account: 15m/1hr/1hr | |
IAM User (session token) | Yields temporary AWS security credentials for the selected IAM user (recommended) or AWS account (disadvised) itself IAM User (session token) does not allow to specify IAM policies or distinguish users - use Federated User or Assume Role for these scenarios instead. | IAM user: 15m/36hr/12hr Root account: 15m/1hr/1hr | |
Notes | 1) The 12hr maximum is only available with an appropriatelyĀ configured Maximum Session Duration Setting for a Role. |
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