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You can inject contextual workflow entities via variables into the remote action payload template. 

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Entity Variables

You can inject contextual workflow entities via variables into the remote action payload templates. The contextual variable syntax is ${entity.key} and the currently available entities are:

Cross product entities

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Bamboo entities

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    DeploymentResult — The Bamboo ${deploymentResult} entity returns the following JSON shape:
    DeploymentResult shape (JSON)
      "agentId": "<>",
      "deploymentVersionName": "<>",
      "environmentId": "<>",
      "executedDate": "<>",
      "finishedDate": "<>",
      "id": "<>",
      "queuedDate": "<>",
      "reasonSummary": "<>",
      "startedDate": "<>"
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    Plan — The Bamboo ${plan} entity returns the following JSON shape:
     Plan shape (JSON)
      "averageBuildDuration": "<the average duration of the recent builds>",
      "buildKey: "<the build's unique key>",
      "buildName": "<the build specific portion of the name>",
      "currentStatus": "<a string key as to what the status is>",
      "description": "<the instant messaging content>",
      "firstBuildNumber": "<the number of the first build>",
      "id": "<the database id of the plan>",
      "key": "<the plan's unique key>",
      "lastBuildNumber": "<the number of the latest build>"

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    ResultsSummary — The Bamboo ${resultsSummary} entity returns the following JSON shape:
    ResultsSummary shape (JSON)
      "buildAgentId": "<the id of the latest agent that built the result>",
      "buildCancelledDate": "<when the build was cancelled>",
      "buildCompletedDate": "<when the build finished>",
      "buildDate": "<>",
      "buildNumber": "<>",
      "buildTime": "<>",
      "changesListSummary": "<>",
      "duration": "<the duration of the build in milliseconds>",
      "durationDescription": "<the duration in a 'pretty' format>",
      "formatVersion": "<>",
      "id": "<>",
      "logSize": "<the size of the log file associated with this result>",
      "processingDuration": "<>",
      "processingDurationDescription": "<>",
      "queueTime": "<>",
      "reasonSummary": "<>",
      "relativeBuildDate": "<>",
      "relativeBuildStartedDate": "<the relative started time (duration) compared to current date>",
      "relativeQueueDate": "<>",
      "restartCount": "<>",
      "shortReasonSummary": "<>",
      "testSummary": "<>",
      "timeToFix": "<the stored version of how long (milli seconds) it took for this build to fix a failure>"
  • Page:
    Notification — The Bamboo ${notification} entity returns the following JSON shape:
    Notification shape (JSON)
      "description": "<a description>",
      "emailSubject: "<the email subject>",
      "htmlEmailContent": "<the HTML email content>",
      "imContent": "<the instant messaging content>",
      "textEmailContent": "<the text email content>"

JIRA entities

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    The Jira ${comment} entity returns the same JSON shape returned from the Jira REST API when a comment is retrieved – refer to the GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment documentation for details.

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    The Jira ${user} entity returns the same JSON shape returned from the Jira REST API when a user is retrieved – refer to the GET /rest/api/2/user documentation for details.

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    The Jira ${issue} entity returns the same JSON shape returned from the Jira REST API when an issue is retrieved with NO expand parameters – refer to the GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey} documentation for details.


You can inject contextual variables into the following actions:

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