Entity Variables
You can inject contextual workflow entities via variables into the remote action payload templates. The contextual variable syntax is ${entity.key}
and the currently available entities are:
Cross product entities
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Bamboo entities
DeploymentResult — The Bamboo
entity returns the following JSON shape:DeploymentResult shape (JSON)
{ "agentId": "<>", "deploymentVersionName": "<>", "environmentId": "<>", "executedDate": "<>", "finishedDate": "<>", "id": "<>", "queuedDate": "<>", "reasonSummary": "<>", "startedDate": "<>" }
Plan — The Bamboo
entity returns the following JSON shape: -
ResultsSummary — The Bamboo
entity returns the following JSON shape:ResultsSummary shape (JSON)
{ "buildAgentId": "<the id of the latest agent that built the result>", "buildCancelledDate": "<when the build was cancelled>", "buildCompletedDate": "<when the build finished>", "buildDate": "<>", "buildNumber": "<>", "buildTime": "<>", "changesListSummary": "<>", "duration": "<the duration of the build in milliseconds>", "durationDescription": "<the duration in a 'pretty' format>", "formatVersion": "<>", "id": "<>", "logSize": "<the size of the log file associated with this result>", "processingDuration": "<>", "processingDurationDescription": "<>", "queueTime": "<>", "reasonSummary": "<>", "relativeBuildDate": "<>", "relativeBuildStartedDate": "<the relative started time (duration) compared to current date>", "relativeQueueDate": "<>", "restartCount": "<>", "shortReasonSummary": "<>", "testSummary": "<>", "timeToFix": "<the stored version of how long (milli seconds) it took for this build to fix a failure>" }
Notification — The Bamboo
entity returns the following JSON shape:Notification shape (JSON)
{ "description": "<a description>", "emailSubject: "<the email subject>", "htmlEmailContent": "<the HTML email content>", "imContent": "<the instant messaging content>", "textEmailContent": "<the text email content>" }
JIRA entities
Comment —
The Jira
entity returns the same JSON shape returned from the Jira REST API when a comment is retrieved – refer to the GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment documentation for details. -
User —
The Jira
entity returns the same JSON shape returned from the Jira REST API when a user is retrieved – refer to the GET /rest/api/2/user documentation for details. -
Issue —
The Jira
entity returns the same JSON shape returned from the Jira REST API when an issue is retrieved with NO expand parameters – refer to the GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey} documentation for details.
You can inject contextual variables into the following actions:
How-to Articles