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30 Januar 2018

The Utoolity team is pleased to present Tasks for AWS 2.15 – this release catches up on several serverless announcements from 'AWS re:Invent 2017': It adds support for the AWS Fargate launch type in Amazon ECS, and adds support for traffic shifting, concurrency limits, and the C# .NET Core 2.0 and Go 1.x runtimes in AWS Lambda. You can now run your Docker containers as an Amazon ECS Task or Amazon ECS Service without managing servers and clusters, and exercise more control over the deployment and concurrent execution of an AWS Lambda Function, which can now also use the C# .NET Core 2.0 and Go 1.x runtimes.

(info) If you are using Bamboo remote agents, please review the Tasks for AWS 2.15 Upgrade Notes for important information on this release.

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Use AWS Fargate to run Docker containers on Amazon ECS without managing infrastructure

You can now use the AWS Fargate launch type to run Docker containers with the Amazon ECS Task task or the Amazon ECS Service task without managing servers or clusters – refer to the resp. introductory blog posts for more details:

AWS Fargate is an easy way to deploy your containers on AWS. To put it simply, Fargate is like EC2, but instead of giving you a virtual machine you get a container. It’s a technology that allows you to use containers as a fundamental compute primitive without having to manage the underlying instances. All you need to do is build your container image, specify the CPU and memory requirements, define your networking and IAM policies, and launch. With Fargate, you have flexible configuration options to closely match your application needs and you’re billed with per-second granularity. [...]

Perform gradual deployments of AWS Lambda functions

You can now gradually deploy your Lambda function by shifting traffic between two function versions with the AWS Lambda Function task – refer to the resp. introductory blog post for more details:

Before the release of traffic shifting for Lambda aliases, deployments of a Lambda function could only be performed in a single “flip” by updating function code for version $LATEST, or by updating an alias to target a different function version. After the update propagates, typically within a few seconds, 100% of function invocations execute the new version. Implementing canary deployments with this model required the development of an additional routing layer, further adding development time, complexity, and invocation latency. While rolling back a bad deployment of a Lambda function is a trivial operation and takes effect near instantaneously, deployments of new versions for critical functions can still be a potentially nerve-racking experience.

With the introduction of alias traffic shifting, it is now possible to trivially implement canary deployments of Lambda functions. By updating additional version weights on an alias, invocation traffic is routed to the new function versions based on the weight specified. [...]

Limit concurrent executions of AWS Lambda functions

You can now limit the concurrent execution impact of your Lambda functions by setting a function specific concurrency limit with the AWS Lambda Function task – refer to the resp. introductory blog post for more details:

You can now set a concurrency limit on individual Lambda functions in an account. The concurrency limit that you set reserves a portion of your account level concurrency for a given function. All of your functions’ concurrent executions count against this account-level limit by default.

If you set a concurrency limit for a specific function, then that function’s concurrency limit allocation is deducted from the shared pool and assigned to that specific function. AWS also reserves 100 units of concurrency for all functions that don’t have a specified concurrency limit set. This helps to make sure that future functions have capacity to be consumed. [...]

Circuit Breaker / Emergency Kill Switch

The Lambda function concurrent execution limit can also be used as a circuit breaker or emergency kill switch by setting the reserved concurrency to zero so that a function cannot be invoked anymore until the concurrency limit is raised again.

Use the C# .NET Core 2.0 and Go 1.x runtimes for AWS Lambda functions

You can now use the C# .NET Core 2.0 and Go 1.x runtimes in the AWS Lambda Function task – refer to the resp. introductory blog posts for more details:

Resolved issues

Release 2.15.5


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1505 – Surface support for additional Step Functions regions ap-northeast-2 and us-west-1

    • TAWS-1519 – Drop support for Lambda@Edge Node.js 4.3 runtime

    • TAWS-1542 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-06-21)

    • TAWS-1544 – Surface support for additional Lambda region cn-northwest-1

    • TAWS-1546 – Add support for Lambda C# .NET Core 2.1 runtime

    • TAWS-1562 – Deprecate support for Lambda Node.js 4.3 runtime

  • Bugs

    • TAWS-1549 (UAA-335) – Fix performance of CloudFormation Stack task for long-lived stacks

Release 2.15.4


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1523 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-05-24)

    • TAWS-1529 (UAA-328) – Mitigate performance issues on Identity Federation for AWS connector retrieval

Release 2.15.3


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1507 (UAA-319) – Add a 'Make it so' option to the upload/download/copy/delete S3 actions

  • Bugs

    • TAWS-1506 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-05-11)

    • TAWS-1521 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-05-15)

Release 2.15.2


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Bugs

    • TAWS-1491 (UAA-318) – Fix CloudFormation Change Set create action override for templates with include transform

    • TAWS-1492 – Fix CloudFormation Change Set create action option for existing templates

Release 2.15.1


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1438 – Add support for ELB Health Check Grace Period in Amazon ECS

    • TAWS-1448 – Surface support for additional ECS region us-gov-west-1

    • TAWS-1449 – Surface support for additional Step Functions regions ap-southeast-1 and ca-central-1

    • TAWS-1469 – Add support for Lambda Node.js 8.10 runtime

    • TAWS-1471 – Add support for ECS container health checks and task health management

    • TAWS-1489 (UAA-316) – Add tagging support to the S3 Object upload/copy actions

  • Bugs

    • TAWS-1456 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-01-31)

    • TAWS-1463 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-02-22)

    • TAWS-1464 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-03-19)

    • TAWS-1465 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-03-22)

    • TAWS-1468 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-04-02)

Release 2.15.0


This release addresses the following issues:

  • Stories

    • TAWS-1407 – As a user, I want an action to set Lambda function concurrency limits so that I can throttle invocations

  • Improvements

    • TAWS-1243 – Add support for Lambda function tags

    • TAWS-1398 – Add support for AWSVPC (cloud native) networking mode in ECS tasks

    • TAWS-1399 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-11-14)

    • TAWS-1403 – Add support for Lambda traffic shifting

    • TAWS-1405 (UAA-301) – Add support for Fargate launch type in ECS tasks

    • TAWS-1406 – Add support for increased Lambda memory limit

    • TAWS-1409 – Add support for CloudFormation SSM parameters

    • TAWS-1421 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-12-04)

    • TAWS-1423 (UAA-303) – Add CloudFormation Change Set create action override to pass task if no updates are to be performed

    • TAWS-1424 – Rename EC2 Container Service to Elastic Container Service

    • TAWS-1425 – Update tag limit validation to match current AWS restrictions

    • TAWS-1431 – Surface support for additional ECS regions ap-south-1 and sa-east-1

    • TAWS-1432 – Surface new AWS region China (Ningxia) / cn-northwest-1

    • TAWS-1433 – Surface new AWS region EU (Paris) / eu-west-3

    • TAWS-1442 – Add support for Lambda C# .NET Core 2.0 runtime

    • TAWS-1443 – Add support for Lambda Go 1.x runtime

  • Bugs

    • TAWS-1401 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-11-20)

    • TAWS-1402 – Unify task descriptions

    • TAWS-1437 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2017-12-20)

    • TAWS-1439 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-01-06)

    • TAWS-1440 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-01-10)

    • TAWS-1441 – Fix NullPointerException when validating resource tags

    • TAWS-1447 – Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 2018-01-19)

  • Tasks

    • TAWS-967 – Drop support for Bamboo 5.9

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