Identity Federation for AWS 2.1 Release Notes
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Identity Federation for AWS 2.1 Release Notes
10 November 2014
Highlights of this release:
Updates for this release:
Third Principal Type 'Assume Role'
Use temporary credentials for configured IAM roles to delegate API access to AWS resources in other accounts (cross-account usage) and enable API access to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) itself.
This release addresses the following issues:
- Stories
- IFAWS-48 (UAA-32) - As an administrator, I want to facilitate the AssumeRole API so that I gain configuration via AWS and cross-account IAM usage
- Bugs
- IFAWS-293 - Fix CSS regression for large inline dialog buttons in JIRA 6.3
- IFAWS-315 - Fix obsolete constraint for Elastic Beanstalk in principal type inline dialog help
Release 2.1.2
This release addresses the following issues:
- Bugs
- IFAWS-359 - Fix redirect to connector REST endpoints on login in Bamboo
Release 2.1.1
This release addresses the following issues:
- Improvements
- IFAWS-289 - Prevent Federation Error due to PackedPolicyTooLargeException
- Bugs
- IFAWS-70 (UAA-57) - Fix infinite redirect when logged in non admin user tries to access an admin page
- IFAWS-80 - Fix missing placeholder value replacement in license error message
- IFAWS-128 - Fix menu error message for invalid license
- IFAWS-335 - Fix CSS regression for large inline dialog buttons in Bamboo 5.7
- IFAWS-336 - Fix error message on license mismatch
- IFAWS-337 (UAA-55) - Fix feature discovery dialog blocking buttons
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