AWS Security Credentials
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AWS Security Credentials

The AWS Security Credentials need to be specified for each task currently, which can be cumbersome quickly. Pending a more generic solution, it is already possible to ease this a bit via variable substitution as follows:

  • configure Access Key and Secret Key as e.g. ${bamboo.awsAccessKeyPassword} and ${bamboo.awsSecretKeyPassword}
  • define plan and/or global variables for the configured variable names (i.e. awsAccessKeyPassword and awsSecretKeyPassword given this example) with the actual credentials, which will then be substituted on task execution accordingly


The AWS China (Beijing) Region is supported as such, however:

  • The cn-north-1 region requires dedicated credentials, see Announcing the AWS China (Beijing) Region: "Customers who wish to use the new Beijing Region are required to sign up for a separate set of account credentials unique to the China (Beijing) Region. Customers with existing AWS credentials will not be able to access resources in the new Region, and vice versa."
  • Due to being a non China-based company, we are not currently in the position to test this add-on with the AWS China (Beijing) Region directly. However, the API is compatible in general and this add-on should just work accordingly - please get in touch if things do not work as intended, we are very interested to collaborate on the necessary adjustments.