Using the AWS CodeDeploy Deployment task in Bamboo
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Using the AWS CodeDeploy Deployment task in Bamboo

You can use the AWS CodeDeploy Deployment task to create, stop or prepare an AWS CodeDeploy deployment (see Deploying to AWS CodeDeploy for an overview of the CodeDeploy component lifecycle and deployment workflow).


To configure an AWS CodeDeploy Deployment task:

  1. Navigate to the Tasks configuration tab for the job (this will be the default job if creating a new plan).
  2. Click the name of an existing AWS CodeDeploy Deployment task, or click Add Task and then AWS CodeDeploy Deployment to create a new task.
  3. Complete the following settings:

    1. Common to all tasks

      Task Description (Optional) Identify the purpose of the task.
      Disable this task

      Check, or clear, to selectively run this task.


      Each task supports one or more actions depending on the target AWS resource. Select the desired action and configure the action specific parameters below.

      RegionSelect the desired AWS Region from the preconfigured list. Alternatively, select [Use region variable ...] to supply the region dynamically via Bamboo variables for example (needs to be a region code such as ap-southeast-2) .
      ...Configure task/action specific parameters, see below ...
      AWS Credentials SourceSelect the source for the required AWS Security Credentials - can be either Inline, an IAM Role for EC2 or a shared Identity Federation for AWS Connector.

    2. Actions supported by this task:


      Application Name

      Specify the application name.

      Deployment Group Name

      Specify a deployment group name.

      Deployment Configuration Name

      (Optional) Specify a deployment configuration name.


      (Optional) Describe the deployment for easier identification.

      Ignore Application Stop FailuresCheck to ignore ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event failures for a specific instance and continue on to the BeforeInstall deployment lifecycle event.
      Revision LocationSpecify the revision to deploy.
      Revision Location (S3) 
      BucketSpecify the S3 bucket this revision is located in.
      KeySpecify the revision's S3 object key.
      TypeSelect the revision's type (format).
      ETag(Optional) Specify the revision's ETag.
      Version(Optional) Specify the revision's S3 object key version.
      Revision Location (GitHub)

      GitHub Authentication

      To deploy a GitHub revision, you must use the AWS CodeDeploy console once per application to give AWS CodeDeploy permission to interact with GitHub on your behalf.

      RepositorySpecify the revision's repository as 'account/repository'.
      Commit IDSpecify the revision's commit ID.



      Stopping a deployment may leave some or all of the instances in your deployment groups in an indeterminate deployment state. For more information, see Stopped and Failed Deployments.

      Deployment ID
      see Create above


      Application Revision Registration

      Registers an application revision without deploying it. Use this only if you want the revision to appear in the Revisions section of the application details page of the AWS CodeDeploy console or through the AWS CLI.

      Application Name
      see Create above

      (Optional) Describe the deployment for easier identification.

      Revision Location see Create above
      Revision Location (S3) see Create above
      Bucket see Create above
      Key see Create above
      Type see Create above
      ETag see Create above
      Version see Create above
      Revision Location (GitHub)see Create above
      Repositorysee Create above
      Commit IDsee Create above

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