Tasks for AWS 2.8 Upgrade Notes
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Documentation for Tasks for AWS 2.9 – other releases are available in the Tasks for AWS Documentation Directory.

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Tasks for AWS 2.8 Upgrade Notes

Consider testing of add-on upgrades before rollout into critical production environments

As always, best practices suggest to test each add-on upgrade in a staging environment before rolling it out to critical production environments.

On this page:

Potential upgrade issue on remote agents

Bamboo might be unable to upgrade add-ons on running remote/elastic agents:

  • (warning)This long standing upstream issue had been resolved as of Bamboo 5.3. However, there seems to be a regression in Bamboo versions 5.6+, which expose a similar defect.
  • (info) In case you are affected, this can usually be remedied by restarting the Bamboo server or disabling/reenabling the remote agent.

Please refer to our KB article Unable to execute task due to plugin not being installed for details.