Using the Automate with AWS then action in Jira Service Management
Use the Automate with AWS then action to run remote actions with AWS from Jira Service Management automation rules.
On this page:
Related pages:
Identity Federation for AWS
Atlassian Jira Service Management
To configure an Automate with AWS then action:
1. Follow the steps in Automating your service project
2. When editing the THEN field, select the Automate with AWS then action
3. Complete the following settings:
AWS Connector | Select the shared Identity Federation for AWS connector. |
Action | Select the remote AWS action. |
4. Configure the selected AWS action's parameter template as documented for each action:
Entity Variables
You can inject contextual variables with workflow entities into the remote action payload templates. The applicable entities for the Jira then action are:
The examples are currently composed to reference only core entity variables – you can also reference all Jira specific entity variables, for example ${issue.fields.summary}