User's Guide
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Documentation for Tasks for AWS 2.8 – other releases are available in the Tasks for AWS Documentation Directory.

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User's Guide

Tasks for your DevOps workflows - provision and operate Amazon Web Services resources from Bamboo build and deployment projects for development, testing and disaster recovery scenarios:




On this page:

Available Tasks

AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation Stack

AWS CloudFormation Stack

Create, update or delete CloudFormation stacks defined by a template provided via URL or inline and specify template parameters and advanced options.

See Using the AWS CloudFormation Stack task in Bamboo for details.

AWS CodeDeploy

Deploying to AWS CodeDeploy provides an overview for continuous delivery/deployment workflows based on the following tasks:

AWS CodeDeploy Application

Create, update or delete CodeDeploy applications on demand.

See Using the AWS CodeDeploy Application task in Bamboo for details.

AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Group

Create, update or delete CodeDeploy deployment groups on demand.

AWS CodeDeploy Deployment

Create, update or delete CodeDeploy deployments on demand.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Deploying to AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides an overview for continuous delivery/deployment workflows based on the following tasks:

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application

Create, update or delete Elastic Beanstalk applications on demand.

See Using the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application task in Bamboo for details.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application Version

Create, update or delete Elastic Beanstalk application versions on demand.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment

Create, update, rebuild, restart, swap or terminate Elastic Beanstalk environments on demand.

AWS Lambda

Deploying to AWS Lambda provides an overview for continuous delivery/deployment workflows based on the following tasks:

AWS Lambda Function

Create, update, delete, invoke or entitle Lambda functions on demand.

See Using the AWS Lambda Function task in Bamboo for details.

AWS Lambda Event Source Mapping

Create, update or delete Elastic Beanstalk application versions on demand.

AWS Security Token Service (STS)

AWS Credentials Variables

Provide temporary AWS Security Credentials as Bamboo variables for use in tasks and tools not integrated with Identity Federation for AWS, for example the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Amazon EC2

Amazon EBS Snapshot

Amazon EBS Snapshot

Create, delete or backup snapshots of Elastic Block Store volumes; in particular, the Task provides backup management with retention handling and backup set correlation.

See Using the Amazon EBS Snapshot task in Bamboo for details.

Amazon EC2 Image

Amazon EC2 Image

Create, delete or backup images of EBS backed Elastic Compute Cloud instances; in particular, the Task provides backup management with retention handling and backup set correlation.

See Using the Amazon EC2 Image task in Bamboo for details.

Amazon EC2 Instance

Amazon EC2 Instance

Start, stop or reboot provisioned Elastic Compute Cloud instances on demand, e.g. only when needed by the build itself (development) or at specific times of the day (operations).

See Using the Amazon EC2 Instance task in Bamboo for details.

Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)

Deploying to Amazon ECS provides an overview for continuous delivery/deployment workflows based on the following tasks:

Amazon ECS Cluster

Create or delete ECS clusters.

See Using the Amazon ECS Cluster task in Bamboo for details.

Amazon ECS Service

Create, update or delete ECS services.

See Using the Amazon ECS Service task in Bamboo for details.

Amazon ECS Task

Run, start or stop ECS task.

See Using the Amazon ECS Task task in Bamboo for details.

Amazon ECS Task Definition

Register ECS task definitions.

See Using the Amazon ECS Task Definition task in Bamboo for details.

Amazon S3

Amazon S3 Object

Amazon S3 Object

Upload, download, delete or copy Structured Storage Service objects (files); in particular you can upload your Bamboo job's build artifacts or select local files and directories (optionally via Ant Patterns) - when addressing S3 objects (files), it matches those by key prefix, which allows to operate on multiple objects at once (virtual directories resp. folder hierarchies).

See Using the Amazon S3 Object task in Bamboo for details.

Bamboo Variable Substitution/Definition

See Bamboo Variable Substitution/Definition for details.

AWS Configuration

AWS Security Credentials

See  AWS Security Credentials for details.

AWS Client Configuration

See AWS Client Configuration for details.

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