Identity Federation for AWS 2.5 Release Notes
28 July 2016
The Utoolity team is pleased to present Identity Federation for AWS 2.5 – this release adds an option to the AWS Credentials Variables task in Bamboo for returning AWS IAM caller identity details so that these can be made available to other tools by injecting them via variables into AWS unaware tasks like the Bamboo Script task, and adds a REST API for AWS IAM caller identity details.
If you are using Bamboo remote agents, please review the Identity Federation for AWS 2.5 Upgrade Notes for important information about this release.
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AWS Credentials Variables task for Bamboo gains option to return IAM caller identity
Use the AWS Credentials Variables task in Bamboo to return details about the IAM identity whose credentials are used to call the API (notable the AWS account ID and user ID) and make them available to other tools by injecting them into AWS unaware tasks like the Bamboo Script task.
AWS Credentials Variables task and Tasks for AWS
The AWS Credentials Variables task complements the dedicated AWS build and deployment tasks offered by Tasks for AWS by providing managed temporary AWS security credentials as Bamboo variables for tools that are not directly integrated with Identity Federation for AWS, but accept AWS credentials via the command line or environment variables, for example the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
Usage of the AWS Credentials Variables task is free for Tasks for AWS licensees, see Do I need an Identity Federation for AWS license when using it from another Utoolity app like Automation with AWS or Tasks for AWS? for details.
AWS IAM Caller Identity retrieval via REST API
Retrieve details about the IAM identity whose credentials are used to call the API (notable the AWS account ID and user ID) via the REST API so that developers can easily integrate this feature into their own solutions.
This release addresses the following issues:
IFAWS-547 – As a developer, I want a REST API to retrieve the caller identity so that I gain usability and debugging improvements
IFAWS-548 – As a user, I want a task to create Bamboo variables from the AWS caller identity details so that I can reuse them in scripts
IFAWS-574 – Switch scope column values to lozenges
IFAWS-590 (UAA-136) – Improve communication of connector variable replacement errors
Release 2.5.3
This release addresses the following issues:
IFAWS-632 – Surface new AWS region ca-central-1
IFAWS-640 – Include additional details in 'Add/Edit Account' dialog error messages
IFAWS-641 – Surface new AWS region eu-west-2
Release 2.5.2
This release addresses the following issues:
IFAWS-611 – Surface support for additional ECR regions ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1 and us-west-1
IFAWS-612 – Refactor configuration page to match Automation with AWS approach
IFAWS-614 (UAA-221) – Add temporary credentials refreshment for 'IAM Role for EC2 (Agent)' principal type
IFAWS-615 – Surface new AWS region us-east-2
IFAWS-626 – Add 'Manage AWS Connectors' entry to 'AWS Resources' menu
IFAWS-613 – Adjust/Fix help links to use the stable tiny URL where applicable
IFAWS-616 (UAA-222) – Fix session duration default for 'IAM Role for EC2 (Agent)' principal type
Release 2.5.1
This release addresses the following issues:
IFAWS-597 – Add support for additional ECR regions ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1 and us-west-1
IFAWS-599 – Provide CloudFormation template to ease provisioning required IAM resources
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