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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How are my persisted long-term AWS security credentials in Identity Federation for AWS secured against unauthorized usage?
How are my persisted long-term AWS security credentials in Tasks for AWS secured against unauthorized usage?
How are my persisted long-term AWS security credentials in Automation with AWS secured against unauthorized usage?
What is the relation between Tasks for AWS (Bamboo) and the Bamboo AWS Plugin?
Will the Bamboo AWS Plugin remain available?
How do I migrate from the Bamboo AWS Plugin to Tasks for AWS (Bamboo)?
Will Tasks for AWS (Bamboo) be available for Bamboo Cloud (Atlassian OnDemand)?
What is the relation between Identity Federation for AWS 1.x and Identity Federation for AWS 2.x?
Will Identity Federation for AWS 1.x remain available?
How do I migrate from Identity Federation for AWS 1.x to Identity Federation for AWS (Jira) 2.x?
Which Atlassian product versions are currently supported by Tasks for AWS?
Which Atlassian product versions are currently supported by Identity Federation for AWS?
Which Atlassian product versions are currently supported by Automation with AWS?
Will Identity Federation for AWS be available for Atlassian Crowd?
Does Identity Federation for AWS support SAML?
How do the Tasks for AWS (Bamboo) CodeDeploy tasks differ from the built-in Bamboo CodeDeploy task?
Can I use the Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR) with the built-in Bamboo Docker task?
Who is Ubot?
Why have the Confluence and Bitbucket releases of Identity Federation for AWS been archived?
Which Atlassian Cloud products are currently supported by Visualize with Code / AWS?