How to parametrize the AWS region via a Bamboo variable
You want to parametrize the AWS region targeted by a task, for example within a parametrized plan build:
Step-by-step guide
This can be achieved by passing the input as a Bamboo variable:
1. Define a plan or global variable with an appropriate name like 'awsDefaultRegion
' (ensure to skip the 'bamboo.
' namespace prefix that is required when referencing the variable later on) and the target AWS region's code as variable value – at the time of this writing these are (refer to regional endpoints for details):
Partition | Code | Name |
af-south-1 | Africa (Cape Town) | |
| ap-east-1 | Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) |
| ap-northeast-1 | Asia Pacific (Tokyo) |
| ap-northeast-2 | Asia Pacific (Seoul) |
| ap-northeast-3 | Asia Pacific (Osaka) |
| ap-south-1 | Asia Pacific (Mumbai) |
| ap-south-2 | Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) |
| ap-southeast-1 | Asia Pacific (Singapore) |
| ap-southeast-2 | Asia Pacific (Sydney) |
| ap-southeast-3 | Asia Pacific (Jakarta) |
| ap-southeast-4 | Asia Pacific (Melbourne) |
| ca-central-1 | Canada (Central) |
| ca-west-1 | Canada West (Calgary) |
| eu-central-1 | Europe (Frankfurt) |
| eu-central-2 | Europe (Zurich) |
| eu-north-1 | Europe (Stockholm) |
| eu-south-1 | Europe (Milan) |
| eu-south-2 | Europe (Spain) |
| eu-west-1 | Europe (Ireland) |
| eu-west-2 | Europe (London) |
| eu-west-3 | Europe (Paris) |
| il-central-1 | Israel (Tel Aviv) |
| me-central-1 | Middle East (UAE) |
| me-south-1 | Middle East (Bahrain) |
| sa-east-1 | South America (Sao Paulo) |
| us-east-1 | US East (N. Virginia) |
| us-east-2 | US East (Ohio) |
| us-west-1 | US West (N. California) |
| us-west-2 | US West (Oregon) |
cn-north-1 | China (Beijing) | |
| cn-northwest-1 | China (Ningxia) |
us-gov-east-1 | AWS GovCloud (US-East) | |
| us-gov-west-1 | AWS GovCloud (US) |
2. Select '[Use region variable ...]' from the Regions widget and reference the Bamboo variable name that defines the target region as defined in step 1 in the Region Variable field, for example 'awsDefaultRegion
' (ensure to add the 'bamboo.
' namespace prefix before the variable name):
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