Tasks for AWS 2.7 Release Notes
05 May 2015
The Utoolity team is pleased to present Tasks for AWS 2.7 – this release adds new tasks to deploy Docker containers to the Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS), and supports succeeding a build for non existing AWS CloudFormation stacks. You can now create/update/delete Amazon ECS clusters and services, run/start/stop Amazon ECS tasks, and register Amazon ECS task definitions.
If you are using Bamboo remote agents, please review the Tasks for AWS 2.7 Upgrade Notes for important information about this release.
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On this page:
- 1 Highlights
- 1.1 New tasks for the Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)
- 1.2 New task to provide AWS Credentials Variables
- 1.3 Optionally succeed CloudFormation delete action for non existing stacks
- 1.4 Support for Docker 1.5, Node.js 0.12.0, Python 3.4, Ruby 2.2 and 2015.03 Amazon Linux AMI in AWS Elastic Beanstalk tasks
- 2 Details
- 2.1 Release 2.7.5
- 2.2 Release 2.7.4
- 2.3 Release 2.7.3
- 2.4 Release 2.7.2
- 2.5 Release 2.7.1
New tasks for the Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS)
You can now facilitate Amazon Web Service's new highly scalable, high performance Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) to deploy Docker containers across your development, test, and production environments - this is enabled by four new tasks:
New task to provide AWS Credentials Variables
Use the AWS Credentials Variables task in Bamboo to provide managed temporary AWS security credentials for other tools by injecting them into AWS unaware tasks like the Bamboo Script task.
This task is provided by Identity Federation for AWS (Bamboo), which is bundled and free for Tasks for AWS licensees, see Do I need an Identity Federation for AWS license when using it from another Utoolity app like Automation with AWS or Tasks for AWS?.
Optionally succeed CloudFormation delete action for non existing stacks
Similar to the 'Make it so' option for the create/update CloudFormation actions introduced in release 2.2, it is now possible to Don't fail for non existing stack for the CloudFormation delete action to ensure all preconditions for subsequent tasks are met.
Support for Docker 1.5, Node.js 0.12.0, Python 3.4, Ruby 2.2 and 2015.03 Amazon Linux AMI in AWS Elastic Beanstalk tasks
The available solution stacks have been updated to include the latest versions, see the resp. announcements:
Announcing support for Ruby 2.2, Node.js 0.12.0, and Docker 1.5
Announcing support for Python 3.4 and 2015.03 Amazon Linux AMI
Updated solution stacks are always usable manually as soon as they are made available by AWS - this simply updates the user interface to include those for convenient selection.
This release addresses the following issues:
TAWS-497 - As a user, I want tasks to operate ECS components so that I can deploy (Docker) containers
TAWS-498 - As a user, I want a task to run/start/stop an ECS task so that I can run containers
TAWS-499 - As a user, I want a task to register/deregister an ECS task definition so that I can configure containers
TAWS-500 - As a user, I want a task to create/delete an ECS cluster so that I can deploy services and tasks
TAWS-573 - As a user, I want a task to create/update/delete an ECS service so that I can schedule containers
TAWS-93 - Assess/Add handling of empty directories on S3 object uploads
TAWS-468 - Review and adjust validation methods not returning an error message
TAWS-562 - Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 20150324)
TAWS-568 - Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 20150407)
TAWS-575 (UAA-68) - Add option to succeed CloudFormation delete action for non existing stacks
TAWS-567 (UAA-67) - Fix S3 artifact based uploads using specification only rather than actual files
Release 2.7.5
This release addresses the following issues:
TAWS-677 - Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 20150616)
TAWS-675 (UAA-95) - Fix MalformedXML exception for S3 Object delete action with large number of objects
TAWS-676 (UAA-96) - Fix S3 Object delete action failing for object keys with characters in range [0x00 - 0x1F]
TAWS-686 - Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 20150707)
TAWS-687 - Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 20150731)
Release 2.7.4
This release addresses the following issues:
TAWS-659 - Adjust connector selection widget sort order
Release 2.7.3
This release addresses the following issues:
TAWS-579 - Add support for Elastic Beanstalk in place platform version updates
TAWS-610 - Add inline dialog examples for Elastic Beanstalk time-based scaling option settings
TAWS-619 - Add deregister action for ECS task definition
TAWS-622 - Add inline dialog example for ECS environment variables override
TAWS-633 (UAA-85) - Add variable generation for single S3 object uploads/copies
TAWS-632 - Surface support for additional CodeDeploy regions eu-west-1 and ap-southeast-2
TAWS-637 (UAA-86) - Add variable generation for single 'first' resource to all tasks
Release 2.7.2
This release addresses the following issues:
TAWS-604 (UAA-77) - Add a 'Make it so' option to the create/terminate Elastic Beanstalk actions
TAWS-607 (UAA-79) - Fix connector variable being unusable with 'Enable IAM' option
TAWS-608 (UAA-80) - Fix connector variable being unusable in deployment plans
Release 2.7.1
This release addresses the following issues:
TAWS-591 - Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 20150430)
TAWS-602 (UAA-73) - Support Bamboo variables for AWS connector selection
TAWS-592 - Update available Elastic Beanstalk solution stacks (as per 20150507)
TAWS-593 (UAA-75) - Fix missing support for KMS meta data keys
TAWS-605 - Fix 'Identity Federation for AWS not configured' warning only being shown on task creation
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